A única forma de promover o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade sustentável é combater #desigualdades sociais, por isso, as nossas

20 Feb 2022, 23:33
A única forma de promover o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade sustentável é combater #desigualdades sociais, por isso, as nossas ações são pautadas pelos 17 #ODS (Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável) criados pela #ONU e o #blockchain com o compromisso de:

Same news in other sources

20 Feb 2022, 23:36
The only way to promote the development of a sustainable society is to fight social inequalities. Moeda's actions are guided by the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) created by the UN and uses blockchain technology with a commitment to: +
The only way to promote the development of a sustainable society is to fight social inequalities.
The only way to promote the development of a sustainable society is to fight social inequalities. Moeda's actions are guided by the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) created by the UN and uses blockchain technology with a commitment to: + https://t.co/QijZNumNa4